The Prostate Cancer Signs You Need To Look For
Prostate cancer signs are an indication of a serious health risk. There are many different signs of prostate cancer and some of these prostate cancer signs can seem minor and nothing to be concerned about.
But, since prostate cancer symptoms can cause so many men not to become alarmed, it makes prostate cancer very deadly, and it doesn't have to be.
Prior to looking at the various prostate cancer symptoms you need to be clear on what the prostate is and learn the basics about prostate cancer.
Prostate cancer begins after malignant cells start to form a tumor in your prostate gland. When prostate cancer is in your prostate gland it is known as localized prostate cancer.
In many cases prostate cancer signs will show up gradually over time and prostate cancer itself will develop at a slow pace. You have to keep in mind however, that once you do notice any signs of prostate cancer you see your doctor right away. Prostate cancer signs can turn into prostate cancer very quickly and spread to many other areas of your body.
Once prostate cancer has spread to other areas of your body, finding effective prostate cancer treatments becomes more difficult. That's because instead of just having to treat your prostate cancer, the cancer in the other areas now requires immediate attention as well. Early recognition of prostate cancer symptoms is therefore crucial.
Statistics on prostate cancer signs have shown that you will have approximately a 98% survival chance if the prostate cancer is indentified in its early stages. It really is critical to recognize the early signs of prostate cancer at get the treatment you need. Your survival rate goes down rapidly the longer you wait before seeking treatment.
"What Is A Prostate Gland?"
Ok, before going any further, let's answer the question many men have: What is a prostate gland?
In short, your prostate is a gland that only men have and it makes the liquid portion of your semen. Your prostate is in a location beneath your bladder and its size is comparable to that of a walnut. It goes around the tube that takes your urine from your bladder and out your urethra.
Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer that men suffer from and it's the outermost parts of your actual prostate that are the most likely areas to be attacked by cancer.
Prostate cancer symptoms usually won't show up in men earlier than their late fortys but there are some who are afflicted with this deadly disease at a much younger age.
The chance of you noticing prostate cancer symptoms increases as you get older and when you reach 80 years of age your chances of coming down with prostate cancer signs are around 50 percent.
It's not really known just what will cause prostate cancer but it's universally accepted that if you notice any prostate cancer symptoms at all you have a very high risk of developing prostate cancer in a short time.
Some prostate cancer experts suggest that you might be able to lessen your chances of developing any prostate cancer symptom through proper nutrition and consistent exercise. Good nutritional habits and exercise can help a great deal in making your immune system stronger and improving your over-all health.
As mentioned earlier, the signs of prostate cancer can be hard to notice and even when the signs of prostate cancer are present the majority of men do not take it seriously enough and do not seek the proper advice from their doctor. It's a fact that if you do notice any prostate cancer symptoms at all, early treatment can save your life.
"Prostate Cancer Signs To Look For"
* Urination difficulties;
* Interrupted urine flow or a weak urine stream;
* Urine dribbling before or after urinating;
* A need to urinate constantly;
* Problems in stopping your flow of urine;
* Frequent night time urination;
* An un-empty bladder;
* Bloody urine;
* Bloody semen;
* A burning sensation or any pain while you are urinating;
* Pain in the following regions of your body: pelvis, spine, hips, upper thighs, ribs, or lower back;
* Impotence or some other sexual health problem.
If you notice any of the above mentioned prostate cancer signs you really need to see your doctor as soon as possible.
After developing any prostate cancer symptom and discussing the situation with your doctor there may be many different diagnostic tests that your doctor may require you to take. These tests will help to properly diagnose your prostate cancer signs.
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Some of the tests may include:
* Basic urine tests to look for blood or infection.
* PSA blood tests. This type of test involves taking blood to test for the amount of prostate-specific antigen (PSA). If there's a high level of PSA in your blood sample it can indicate prostate cancer.
A high PSA may also be a sign of another prostate condition known as prostatitis.
* Digital rectal exam. A urologist will inspect your prostate by putting a finger into your rectum. It may be somewhat uncomfortable but not painful. By doing this test tumours can be discovered.
The only problem that most men have with this type of a test is embarrassment. Don't be embarrassed, these professionals do this every day and it may be the test that saves your health and your life.
* Biopsy. It may be necessary for you to undergo a prostatic biopsy which involves putting an ultrasound probe in your rectum for a visible view of your prostate. The doctor can then collect a very small sample of your prostate using a needle.
This type of prostate cancer test is a little bit uncomfortable so the doctor may provide you with a mild sedative or local anaesthetic.
* Scan. To see if your prostate cancer has reached other areas of your body including your bones, your doctor may suggest a bone scan. An MRI may also be done.
The more knowledge you have about prostate cancer signs to look for and prostate cancer symptoms, the better prepared you'll be and the more treatment options you’ll have.
You have to consider many different things when it comes to prostate cancer and your health in general. But, knowledge is the best way to prevent most prostate cancer signs from advancing to a critical stage.
Prostate cancer prevention is the best thing you can do for yourself so before you notice the signs of prostate cancer take the proper steps to avoid it altogether.
Don't wait another minute. Prostate cancer signs are literally a life and death situation.
The article fully adopted from
Original title: Prostate Cancer Signs & Prostate Cancer Symptom Relief & Prevention Options
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