Residents take shelter outside their damaged houses in the West Java town of Sukabumi on Sept. 2, 2009. A 7.3-magnitude earthquake hit West Java on Wednesday, leaving some 42 people killed, more than 400 wounded and some 40 still missing. (Xinhua/Yue Yuewei)

Local residents look for useful things in the rubble of a collapsed and burnt building in the Sumatran city of Padang, Indonesia, on Oct. 2, 2009.(Xinhua/Yu Yuewei)

Quake victims collect commodities from destroyed houses in Tasik Malaya of West Java, Indonesia, Sept. 3, 2009. A 7.3-magnitude earthquake hit West Java on Wednesday, leaving some 44 people killed and more than 400 wounded. (Xinhua/Yue Yuewei)

Quake victims collect good tiles from destroyed houses in Tasik Malaya of West Java, Indonesia, Sept. 3, 2009. (Xinhua/Yue Yuewei)
Source: xinhuanet.com

People stand outside a house destroyed by an earthquake in Tasikmalaya.
Source: thejakartaglobe.com Photo: AP, Pikiran Rakyat Daily
Hard for us to see but harder for them to face. May God give them strength & patience. May in every difficulty they face will be followed by help with the bless of God, amiin.
Berat mata memandang, berat lagi bahu memikul. Semoga Tuhan memberi mereka kekuatan dan kesabaran dalam menghadapinya. Semoga setiap kesusahan yang mereka hadapi akan diikuti dengan kemudahan dengan rahmat Tuhan, amiin.
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