Love makes life full of flowers. Love also can make life full of tears.
In a family, love is very important. Without love, there is no family.
A father busy with his own affairs and job while a mother busy with her friends and her own business. They going out early in the morning and come back in tired in the evening, some times until late night. They will feel too tired even to have a chat with their own children. As a result, the children started to find another source of love. Someone they can talk and make them happy. If their friend good, they are lucky. If not, the family already in a great trouble because the duty of teaching and showing way already transferred to some else.
There are people having a heart full with love but member of their family or their friends saw them like a stranger. Some peoples feel that they are not being loved because they can't understand the attitude showing by us. Sometimes even wife and husband, our mother and father or our children feel being ignorance by us. Our attitude can be the cause. Showing your love.
We need to show it to make members of our family or our friend can feel that their life is surrounding with the sea of love.
good article..some people commit crime due to love...take care .I enjoy yr blog.
Thanks Umi, too much or too less actually not good for love.
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