Later discovered that his blog entry entitled “My best 12 pictures in 2009″ was promoted to the homepage of WordPress.com.

An achievement to Zain Abdullah as a photographer & also as a blogger. His most sweetest achievement in 2009, I thought. Congratulation Zain.
Link to Zain Abdullah http://zainabdullah.wordpress.com/
Thank you, Rad. Nothing extraordinary compared to others who make millions over the Net. Aku satu sen pon tak dapat. Syok sendiri je la. Anyway thanks for promoting my works :) Aku baru je jumpa ko punya blog "terbaru" sebab dah lost track asyik bertukar URL je. Harap2 yg ni remain la :P
aku syok sebenarnya tengok hasil kerja kau. Senang cakap aku bangga sebetulnya. Mungkin kerana kau start dari zero sampai ke peringkat macam ni dalam photography, tu yang buat aku bangga. Selamat terus berjaya.
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