ACTION TAKEN: A biscuit factory in Ipoh was ordered to close down for seven days to clean up and repair its toilets — Filepic
TAM and his friends from Petaling Jaya visited the Soon Ann Biscuit and Confectionery Sdn Bhd factory in Ipoh, Perak, on Jan 16 to buy some delicacies there but were put off by the unclean toilets at the factory.
"This company definitely produces world-class foodstuff but the condition of their factory toilets was terrible and the water flushing system was not user-friendly and also barely functioning," he says.
"If the company does not rectify such unhygienic conditions, their reputation will be affected and so, too, will
the image of the country."
● When contacted, the factory owner says the Ipoh City Council checked their premises on Jan 18 and her
company was ordered to shut down the factory for seven days to improve the condition of the toilets and repair or replace the flushing system.
"We did as told from Jan 18. On Jan 21, the council enforcement officers came again and told us to make further improvements and we will comply. We hope to reopen by Jan 25," she says.
"Outstation and foreign tourists sometimes arrive in up to five buses at the same time, so the toilets are overused. For instance, the flush tanks are not able to fill up in time before the next user."
The owner, who declined not to be named, says they previously tried to solve that problem by installing a water
hose. "Some tourists neglect to turn off the water , causing the toilet floor to become wet. And some do not flush the toilet after using it."
Nonetheless, she says, her company will strive to keep the toilets and premises clean as they want a good reputation.
Submitted by Izat on Friday, January 22nd, 2010http://www.mmail.com.my/content/25527-clean-toilets-please
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