
September 3, 2010

Peneroka Dakwa jadi Mangsa Penyelewengan Felda


BESUT - Seorang peneroka warga emas, Deraman bin Ngah, 72, mendakwa beliau menjadi mangsa kepada pengurusan Felda yang tidak mengambil peduli nasib yang dialami oleh para peneroka.

Beliau yang ditemui berkata, sejak akhir tahun 2004 sehingga kini, pengurusan Felda terus menerus memotong cukai tanah (CAC), walaupun beliau selaku pemilik tanah tersebut telah pun menjelaskan cukainya di pejabat tanah daerah Besut

Menurutnya, beliau telah memperolehi hak milik tanah setelah melangsaikan segala hutang piutangnya dengan pihak Felda.

(Gambar - Deraman menunjukkan resit pembayaran cukai tanah yang telah dilunaskan (kiri) dan penyata pendapatan, yang masih dipotong pembayaran untuk cukai tanah (CAC))

"Apabila saya boleh geran hak milik tanah, saya membayar cukai tanah kepada pejabat tanah, tapi Felda terus potong dari penyata (pendapatan) saya, sejak tahun 2004 hingga kini,"katanya ketika mengadu kepada wartawan Buletin.

Beliau yang telah menjadi peneroka Felda Tenang dekat sini sejak tahun 1972 menyifatkan Felda sengaja berbuat demikian kerana hanya memikirkan keuntungan.

Beliau berkata demikian kerana menurutnya pihak pengurusan Felda tahu dan maklum tentang perkara tersebut, namun tiada sebarang tindakan yang diambil.

"Saya sudah beritahu pengurusan Felda di sini dan juga pengurusan Felda di Kuala Lumpur, tapi tak ada apa tindakan yang mereka ambil sehingga kini,"jelasnya.

Sehubungan itu, beliau menyifatkan 'salah urus' Felda tidak dapat di perbetulkan lagi kerana terlalu banyak 'penyelewengan' yang sengaja disembunyikan dari pengetahuan peneroka.

Antaranya fakta yang tidak dijelaskan oleh pihak Felda kata beliau adalah, jumlah sebenar kos kerja-kerja penanaman semula dan jumlah sebenar kos baja, kerja-kerja membaja serta kos kerja-kerja pembersihan ladang.

"Peneroka tak tahu banyak perkara, berapa kos tanam semula, berapa kos baja dan lain-lain, Felda hanya memotong jumlah (tertentu) dalam penyata, peneroka tak tahu berapa jumlah sebenar,"katanya lagi.

Justeru beliau menyeru supaya para peneroka diseluruh negara bangkit untuk menuntut hak mereka.

Felda tidak telus, peneroka tidak di beri senarai terperinci kos perbelanjaan penyelengaraan ladang peneroka.  Peneroka hanya diberi tahu jumlah terkumpul dan baki hutang mereka. Tak percaya, tanya peneroka. Amat wajar jika Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah masuk felda dan bantu peneroka- ps

Peneroka Dakwa Felda Tipu

buletinonline | August 06, 2010

lagi kesah felda

Hakmilik: Peneroka Felda mengadu pada Suhakam

malaysiakini | February 24, 2010
Persatuan Anak Peneroka Felda Kebangsaan (ANAK) hari ini menyerahkan memorandum kepada Suruhanjaya Hak Asasi Manusia Malaysia (Suhakam) berhubung dakwaan pelanggaran hak asasi, diskriminasi dan dakwaan berlakunya penipuan oleh Felda.

Memorandum tersebut diserahkan oleh presidennya Mazlan Aliman (kiri) kepada pesuruhjaya suruhanjaya tersebut Datuk Khalid Ibrahim (kanan) di pejabatnya kira-kira jam 3.30 petang ini.

Felda settlers take their grousers to Suhakam

malaysiakini | February 25, 2010
Felda has been hit with allegations of imposing exorbitant rates, fraud, discrimination, unfairness, misuse and abuse of funds in recent years.

Two years ago, the Kota Bharu High Court ordered Felda to pay RM11 million in damages after settlers alleged that they were cheated of payment for palm fruit from 1996 to 2002.

Baharuddin Arif Siri, 59, a Felda settler since 1979, described Felda's indifference towards the plight of the settlers as irresponsible and self-serving.NONE

Saad Jamaluddin, 63, another first generation Felda settler, also lamented the fact that the agency has been witholding the deposits that they have invested for 15 years.

"Felda gave us lots of nonsensical excuses to restrict our withdrawal," he said.

Masalah yang melanda Masyarakat felda Setelah menyerahkan Ladang Sawit Mereka untuk diuruskan oleh felda technoplant

nikalwei | July 15, 2008
masalah yang melanda masyarakat felda keratong satu apabila menyerahkan ladang sawit mereka untuk diuruskan oleh felda technoplant

FELDA Controversy

Klik4Malaysia | June 24, 2010

Nak tahu senang felda tanya pada pembesarnya, nak tahu susah peneroka felda tanya pada penerokanya

Gov't admits RM2.7 bil plunge in Felda reserves

malaysiakini | June 16, 2010
During the questions session at the Dewan Rakyat today, Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Ahmad Maslan (left) said that despite the drop, Felda's asset value had in fact appreciated.

He was responding to a supplementary question from Hamim Samuri (BN-Ledang), who asked the deputy minister to state the financial status of Felda and detail how the funds were spent on social development purposes.

-Berapa billion pun untung felda, peneroka  tengah susah tu, tanggung hutang pokok dan interest. Arwah Tun Razak buat felda untuk tolong rakyat, itu prinsipnya asalnya. 

-Kalau tak percaya tanya Peneroka jangan tanya orang besar felda. Pihak kerajaan sangat wajarlah mengambil berat untuk selesaikan kemelut melayu Islam di felda-ps

August 28, 2010

Up close with the monster within

THE gut-gnawing, H pylori, cannot be seen by the naked eye. On top of a pinhead, millions of these monstrous-looking corkscrew pathogens can be seen under an electron microscope.

They look like helicopters – except that their "rotor blades" are located on one end instead of being on the top of their peanut-shaped bodies. That is partly the reason why they are called "helicobacter" and the term "pylori" refers to their favourite fortress, the epithelial lining – in the lowest part of the stomach or the pylorus.

H pylori thrive in the gastric pool and swim with ease with the aid of their flagella. As voracious as piranhas they make mince meat of stomach cells, causing bleeding and peptic ulcers that could eventually perforate.

In Malaysia ethnic Chinese have the largest incidence of H pylori colonisation in their bellies while the Indian population comes a close second and the lowest percentage is among the Malays.

No one should attempt to take on these Jurassic-like invisible horrors through self-diagnosis, self-doctoring or self-medication with antacids.

Symptoms of H pylori infection include an unusually full-feeling in the stomach and sharp fiery pain from the navel to the breastbone with intermittent vomiting as well as nausea. The abdominal pain can radiate to the throat, sometimes to the back, the lower abdomen and of course the solar plexus and the apex of the shoulders.

Most patients complain of unbearable chest burn and a sourish-pungent taste flourishing in the mouth. Acid reflux is common during an attack and sometimes the symptoms of H pylori infection can mimic the symptoms of a heart attack and vice versa. That is why gastric pain and symptoms of acid reflux must be promptly examined by a doctor.

H pylori infection can be diagnosed via blood tests, breath tests and oral gastro-duodenal scopy and or colonoscopy. During the scope procedure the physician will remove some stomach tissue to be tested for malignancy.

A gem of folksy "scientific conjecture" has it today, that the man who left behind his legacy of the Nobel Prize, Alfred Nobel himself may have been infected with H pylori bacterium. This is based on what Nobel’s autobiographer wrote and what Nobel himself penned.

The autobiographer wrote that Nobel complained of frequent indigestion and abdominal discomfort. Nobel himself in trying to sum up his life in one terse sentence wrote: "I am a misanthrope and yet utterly benevolent, have more than one screw loose, yet am a super-idealist who digests philosophy more efficiently than food."

Undergoing MyBlogLog Verification

Drive Carefully and Focus while driving - Hati-hati Memandu dan Tumpu Perhatian sewaktu Memandu

ardspk | June 14, 2009 

randominpulse | August 26, 2010

smemelle | June 17, 2010 

bikerdawg350 | March 06, 2007 

BornToBeWild102 | March 14, 2009 

 Drive carefully & Focus while Driving. May Allah (God) safe us.

Tsunami in Acheh 2004

kirkpatrick321 | July 11, 2009
TSUNAMI 2004 Banda Aceh, Minggu People running down the streets!

choyot | February 20, 2006

Tsunami in Acheh

August 27, 2010

Children See Children Do

Flommivids | April 03, 2007

August 26, 2010

Top 10 best countries in world according to Newsweek

2010-08-26 17:45
U.S. has ranked a list of top 100 best countries around the world based on five categories: Education, Health, Quality of Life, Economic Dynamism and Political Environment.
The Scandinavian countries Finland and Sweden occupied the first and third places on the list. The United States didn’t successfully squeeze into the top 10 while China was rated 59th.
Following are the top 10 best countries on earth:
1. Finland

Helsinki, capital of Finland
2. Switzerland
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DIY Style: Floral Embellished Handbag

Sew this adorable purse courtesy of Bags in Bloom

By Susan Cariello Posted July 21, 2010

from Bags in Bloom

Project excerpted from Bags in Bloom: Create 20 Unique Flower Purses with Simple Embroidery Stitches and Easy-to-Sew Patterns

This large bag is just the thing to accompany any outfit, either casual or smart, on a sizzling summer day. The fine netting I have used for the oversized embroidered flowers is set off perfectly by the fiery red, textured linen fabric. Edged with rich, chocolate brown linen, the bag is finished off with a large pink button.
Stitches Used
• Satin stitch
• French knot
• Daisy stitch
• Fishbone stitch
22 x 24 in. (55 x 60cm) of red, textured linen for bag
22 x 24 in. (55 x 60cm) of heavyweight, woven interlining for bag
14 x 12 3/4 in. (35 x 32cm) of chocolate brown linen for contrast top band
14 x 12 3/4 in. (35 x 32cm) of heavyweight, sew-in interfacing for contrast top band
14 x 4 3/4 in. (35 x 12cm) of chocolate brown linen for handles
14 x 4 3/4 in. (35 x 12cm) of medium-weight, sew-in interfacing for handles
22 x 24 in. (55 x 60cm) of peach cotton lining fabric
4 x 14 1/2 in. (10 x 36cm) of heavyweight buckram for base
Fine netting in ecru, cut into long strips measuring approximately 1 1/2 in. (4cm) wide
Thick wool in dark eggplant color and bubblegum pink
Two small mother-of-pearl shirt buttons
Strong sewing thread in a neutral color
Pearlized beads
Cotton ribbon yarn in lilac and pale olive green
Sequins in tea-rose and lilac
Sewing threads to match the red and brown linens and the peach lining fabric
Magnetic clasp
One large button in pink

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Six Facebook Safety Tips

Take these important steps to maintain your privacy when networking online

By Clara Haneberg Posted August 09, 2010 


Connecting with friends on Facebook and other social media sites is a popular and fun pastime, but do you know how to protect your privacy online? In March of this year, Facebook came under scrutiny for changing its privacy settings, which made many users question the site’s safety. In response, Facebook stepped up its game. “Facebook has a lot of tools in place designed to allow you to keep some information private to the public, but available to your closest friends,” says Adam Pash, editor-in-chief of the technology site To help keep your online safety levels up to snuff, we asked Pash, along with social media strategist Jamie Ginsberg of, for helpful suggestions. Read on to get their valuable tips for creating a secure social network.

1. Share with Caution
You can share pictures and information on your profile, but it’s important to take precautions to prevent outsiders from viewing what you post. Facebook’s general settings allow non-friends to view your information. As a general rule, Ginsberg advises allowing “Everybody” to find you in search and to message you, but only “Friends of Friends” should be able to see your pictures and videos. Your wall and other settings should also be set to “Friends Only.” To do this, click “Account” on your profile’s homepage, select “Privacy Settings” and tab through the sub-pages to update.
2. Know Your Friends
Be selective when accepting friend requests. If you don’t recognize the name or picture, decline the friend request. “Why would you want to connect with this person you don’t know?” Ginsberg asks. “If you can’t come up with an answer quickly, then you shouldn’t.” It’s also a good idea to weed out your network once a year. “You should only have 10 percent ‘fat’ in your network—the people you don’t know, but want to get to know better,” Ginsberg says. “Just like you would prune a tree to make it grow stronger, prune your network to keep it growing.”
3. Consider Obscuring Your Identity
Altering your online identity has become a trend among college graduates and job seekers, especially for those users who post unprofessional content or haven’t secured their network. To do this, simply use a different name or switch your last name to your middle name under “Account Settings.” However, changing your name will reduce your connections, as people will not be able to find you under your legal name. On the other hand, Pash says, “If your profile contains information you’re not comfortable with a prospective employer seeing, then by all means, obscure it.” Obscured or not, Ginsberg encourages users to monitor their content. “I always advise people to run one profile really well. You should never have a profile that is not professional—period,” he says.
4. Pare Down Your Personal Information
Sure, your birth date isn’t your Social Security number, but “the more identifying information you add, the easier it’s going to be for someone to use it to gain access to your identity,” says Pash. Only list the date of your birthday—not the year—and an email address; skip any phone numbers or addresses. “If someone you know needs your address, they can email you to get it,” Ginsberg says.
5. Filter Your Photos
Review every photo for appropriateness and good taste. Decide what you’re trying to communicate through your online profile and immediately untag yourself in any photos that make you feel uncomfortable. If you have children, be cautious when posting pictures of them. Ginsberg stresses the importance of a secure network when posting family photos. The easiest way to keep things simple and safe is to narrow the circle of people who can see your photos and videos; select “Friends Only” for all media and delete any connections you’re not close with.
6. Check in with Your Children
Social media usage is becoming more popular by the day—Facebook reached 500 million users this July—so it’s important to talk to your kids about the importance of privacy. “Make sure they understand what information is safe for them to share,” Pash says. Help your kids set up their profiles (or check their settings if they already have one). If you don’t have a profile, set one up and “friend” your children. “Parents should definitely connect with their kids and engage in social media with them,” Ginsberg says. By regularly signing into their network, parents can monitor their young ones’ activity. Ginsberg also encourages parents to connect with their kids’ friends. “If parents make the effort to connect with these kids online, they will be able to connect with them in the real world as well,” he says.