French architect Frederic Tabary poses inside the "Hamster's Villa", imagined and conceived by Tabary together with architect Yann Falquerho, during an interview with Reuters in Nantes, western France, November 8, 2009. For 99 euros ($148) a night, guests can sleep in the 18th century caretaker's room designed to give the impression of living in a hamster's cage, complete with a 2-metre wheel to run in. Picture taken November 8, 2009.

French architect Frederic Tabary poses inside the "Hamster's Villa", imagined and conceived by Tabary together with architect Yann Falquerho, during an interview with Reuters in Nantes, western France, November 8, 2009.
Original title: Having a taste of sleeping in "Hamster's Villa"
Editor: Lu Hui
Source: news.xinhuanet.com/english
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